HR Consulting

If you believe that your internal HR processes could produce more results, but don t know how to unlock these "reserves", we will help you identify and implement your ideas!

HR consulting or HR consulting is a set of measures aimed at researching and improving the organisational structure of a company, developing corporate culture and solving problems related to human capital management.

HR consulting is sometimes confused with HR audit, but it is much broader. If HR audit consists in checking documentation, HR consulting is work with business processes and personnel management technologies, as well as with the labour market. Consultants help employers with such issues as identifying business needs for new employees, assessing and selecting candidates, appraising and improving the qualifications of employees, developing individual development programmes, creating a talent pool, assessing the performance of individual employees and entire teams, outplacement, as well as researching and maintaining a positive social and psychological climate in the company.
HR Management Consulting Services
How HR Consulting is Structured and What You Get

HR Management Consulting Services

  • You re building an HR function from scratch. This is a great opportunity to get it right straight away by utilising HR best practice;
  • You want to take into account current market trends in your work. Consultants will analyse the external environment and provide you and your team with training on how to effectively apply trends in a way that is tailored to your business;
  • You re developing your company and want to improve and automate HR processes. Our methodologists will help you to build a modern human capital management system and select the HR tools that are right for your company;
  • You ve already spent time on optimising HR processes, but nothing has changed globally. Experts will help you to look at the situation from the outside and achieve the desired result;
  • You re facing a complex HR problem and don t know how to solve it. Ask for help consultants and get access to an HR consultancy with a wealth of experience in solving a wide variety of HR challenges across different industries.

How HR Consulting is Structured and What You Get

  1. Immersion in company processes. We will study your HR processes and provide recommendations on how to optimise them for greater efficiency;
  2. Selection of practices and tools. We will prepare a list of suitable HR solutions and adapt internal content for your company: competency models, questionnaires, adaptation tracks, goal formulations, etc..;
  3. Justification of proposals efficiency. We will help to justify the implementation project to the management: we will prepare statistics and benchmarks;
  4. Implementation of new techniques. We will adjust HR processes and selected solutions so that they work together effectively;
  5. Test innovations and collect feedback. We will test the work in new conditions in a focus group, conduct team sessions and collect feedback;
  6. Team Training. We will conduct trainings and educate HR managers, managers and employees on best practices and rules of working with new HR solutions;
  7. Working ahead of the curve. We will help to create an action plan for HR and managers after the implementation of new solutions.