Personnel assessment

Our company has a wide range of tools for assessing candidates and existing employees. With the help of a properly conducted assessment, you can effectively organise the work of a specialist, unlock his or her potential and direct him or her in the right direction. This service will also help you determine how quickly a candidate will fit into your corporate culture.

One of the most effective systems for personnel evaluation is the Hogan system, a personality assessment that provides a reliable prediction of a person's success in the organisational environment. Unlike most questionnaires, Hogan measures a person's reputation.
Hogan Surveys
Hogan Reports
Why do you need a Hogan assessments?
What is the bottom line on the Hogan assessment?

Hogan Surveys

The versatility and exhaustive informativeness of the system allows the Hogan competence model to be effectively correlated with virtually any corporate competence model of the Customer.

People don t always fit the standards. Hogan offers a range of tools that allow you to assess personality traits:
  • Potential (HPI);
  • Destructors (HDS);
  • Motivation (MVPI);
  • Decision Making Style (Good Judgment).

Hogan Reports

The Hogan evaluation system allows you to choose the optimal combination of questionnaires and the required level of detail for each employee:

  • Flash - operational report (summary report with reflection of the test scales and their labelling);
  • Insight - a report with medium detail (10 pp);
  • Leadership report - a variable set of reports with number of reports with detailed elaboration, which allows to achieve maximum compliance of the personnel evaluation results with the objectives and peculiarities of the Customer.

Why do you need a Hogan assessments?

Hogan assessment systems products can be used to solve a wide range of tasks from recruitment to prioritising the development of top managers:
  • selection of candidates;
  • Development;
  • management capacity;
  • talent management;
  • alignment with the organisational culture;
  • teamwork;
  • safe behaviours.

What is the bottom line on the Hogan assessment?

Hogan s system is an international authority in the field of consulting and personality assessment, which for over 30 years has enabled companies from all corners of the world to reduce staff turnover, increase staff efficiency by developing employees' core talents and identifying their true leadership qualities.

But most importantly, this assessment is very pragmatic, it allows us to understand what task this or that employee will be able to fulfil, and it is this principle of employee selection that we use when forming project teams.